Buddhist teachings and practices
Guiding beginners and experienced practitioners
I have been teaching in Buddhist centers and with other organizations focused on personal development since 2001. Students tend to enjoy my rather humorous and straightforward, but profound style. While teachings are accessible for beginners, they’ve also proven inspiring and eye-opening for more experienced students.
I studied Buddhism intensively and spent many years in meditation retreats. My main teacher was the late Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the former spiritual director of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). It was Lama Zopa who gave me permission to teach and lead retreats.
Integrating Western psychology
I’m particularity skillful in combining approaches of Western psychology with Buddhist teachings. My emphasis is on bringing the teachings alive in your job and your relationships.

Analyzing traditional texts
I provide commentaries on traditional Buddhist texts, like the Bodhicharyavatara by Master Shantideva or Lam Rim Chenmo by Pabongka Rinpoche.
Possible teaching themes
- The graduated path to enlightenment (Lam Rim)
- Transformation of emotions
- Buddhist Psychology
- Meditation on the Nature of Mind (Mahamudra)
- Discovering Buddhism program
- Mindfulness
- Meditation
- Transforming Problems (Lojong)
Schedule Buddhist teachings
I prefer working with groups over longer periods, possibly offering a study program or the study of a certain text. However, one-off events about a certain topic are also possible.
If you are interested in inviting me for a teaching, please write my personal assistant at: stephanpende@gmail.com.
My experience of Stephan’s teachings has been life changing. Through his teachings I’ve had the possibility to grow as a human being through healing. And the process is still ongoing.