
  • Buddhist statue inside tree roots, representing inner peace
    There is nowhere else to go Frequently in my courses the whole group slides effortlessly into a place of deep stillness and contentment. This shift happens from identifying with thoughts, feelings, backgrounds, likes, and dislikes, to finding out who or what is actually aware of this moment. The essence of my work is recognizing this inner peace, which is already always there. Creating the right conditions for inner peace To rest in this natural peace
  • monk hands symbolizing letting go around death
    When my father died, he did so without much struggle. It was clearly time for letting go. For some hours I was breathing with him, then the breathing just stopped, leaving space and peace. I will live a little longer and then die as well. How can I prepare for letting go the same way at the time of death? And how can I give space to the grief, the anger, and the relief which
  • bird spreading wings as a symbol of unlocking your potential
    There’s an old story about a man who found an eagle’s egg lying on the forest floor. He picked it up, carried it home, and placed it among the eggs of a brooding hen in his chicken coop. In time, the egg hatched, and the young eaglet was raised among the chickens. He scratched at the dirt for worms, clucked and pecked as he was taught, and fluttered awkwardly from one low perch to another,