Here are some powerful pointing-out instructions from different teachers. This is all you need to wake up. Display "Urgyen Tulku" from YouTube Hier klicken, um den Inhalt von YouTube anzuzeigen. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display content from YouTube Open "Urgyen Tulku" directly Display "A direct pointing instruction from Lama Tsultrim Allione" from YouTube Hier klicken, um den Inhalt von YouTube anzuzeigen. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display content from YouTube
Do you want help to finally face your fears? This course is essential watching for anyone who feels overwhelmed by anxiety. Whether you are struggling with the endless stresses of modern life or particular situations, this course can help. We will learn that, in fact, the journey of knowing fear is – when viewed differently – the journey of courage. Embracing it will help us embrace more of the fullness of life. Face your fears
The tonglen (tib. giving and taking) practice is a method for connecting with suffering, both our own and that which is all around us, everywhere we go. It is a method for overcoming the fear of suffering and for dissolving the tightness of our hearts. Primarily it is a method for awakening the compassion that is inherent in all of us. You are encouraged to go towards pain and transform suffering into a source of wisdom
This quick meditation has two components: a breathing part and a thinking part. The basis is using your deep breath as a container for a specific thought. As you will soon discover, this practice can easily be done anywhere at anytime, when you are needing a moment to regroup. First, you practice deep breathing until you can produce a breath that lasts about five seconds on the inhale and slightly longer on the exhale. Learning
Stay close and do nothing is the title of a book on caring for the dying. It is also sound advice for meditation practitioners, psychotherapists, and caregivers. However, in moments when compassion is most needed, it can be very challenging to stay close and do nothing. Can you stay with the sensation of a challenging emotion in your body? Can you resist following that fight-or-flight instinct? If you are able to control your compulsion to run