Innere Schönheit enthüllen
Natural Meditation
Where to access my guided meditations You can find some of my guided meditations on this website, but you can access even more through several podcasts and my YouTube channel. For English speakers, I have podcasts on Soundcloud and ...
Guided meditation on how to be with your feelings Are you struggling with physical or emotional discomfort? This guided meditation helps you to learn how to deal with pain and continue on with life. You have the strength within ...
There is nowhere else to go Frequently in my courses the whole group slides effortlessly into a place of deep stillness and contentment. This shift happens from identifying with thoughts, feelings, backgrounds, likes, and dislikes, to ...
Stay close and do nothing is the title of a book on caring for the dying. It is also sound advice for meditation practitioners, psychotherapists, and caregivers. However, in moments when compassion is most needed, it can be very ...
Begin your body scan meditation For this meditation, sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes if you wish, or leave them half-closed so that some light comes in and you don't fall asleep. However, if you fall asleep, ...
Here are some powerful pointing-out instructions from different teachers. This is all you need to wake ...
Do you want help to finally face your fears? This course is essential watching for anyone who feels overwhelmed by anxiety. Whether you are struggling with the endless stresses of modern life or particular situations, this course can help. ...
The tonglen (tib. giving and taking) practice is a method for connecting with suffering, both our own and that which is all around us, everywhere we go. It is a method for overcoming the fear of suffering and for dissolving the ...